For Pet Owners
We provide vaccinations with
brief examination -
Health Certificates for Travel within the US
Routine Lab Work
Complete Physical Exams that include a report card documenting exam findings
Special Prices on Puppy Packages
Prescription Medications especially flea control and dewormer can be ordered online and sent directly to your home!
What is covered in an Exam?
Eyes checked for discharge, growths, cataracts,
lenticular sclerosis, iris atrophy, pupil response to
light. The vessels in the back of the eye will be
checked for signs of hypertension and the retina
check for any health problems -
Ears checked for infection, mites, foreign bodies
Teeth checked for fractures, looseness,
periodontal disease, gum loss, tartar pain, and
infection -
Mouth, tongue, and throat checked for sores,
inflammation, foreign bodies, swelling, growths -
Nose checked for discharge, infection, color loss,
swelling, growths -
Lymph nodes checked for enlargement
Heart and pulse checked for rate, rhythm and
murmurs -
Trachea checked for swelling and coughing
Lungs checked for air movement, crackles,
wheezes, fluid build-up -
Abdomen checked for fluid and growth. Kidneys,
liver and intestine palpated for changes in size,
shape and thickness. Colon palpated for
thickness, growths, stool -
Prostate palpated in older males for enlargement
or signs of cancer and Mammary glands palpated
in older females for growths and tumors -
Joints manipulated and palpated to check for
range of motion, arthritis, inflammation, swelling,
torn ligaments, clicks, and pops associated with
various joint diseases -
Skin checked for flakes, oily build-up,
inflammation, crusts, scales, growths, signs of
allergies, parasites, mites or mange
Your pet is examined from head to toe in order to catch early
signs of problems before they become serious and more
difficult to treat.
Why does my pet need an exam if it acts fine?
In order to stay healthy and function properly today it is
recommended that . . .
Your car receive an oil change, have its fluid levels
checked, check and change fuel and air filters, check
lights, and have tires rotated every 3000 miles or 3
months. This is an average cost of $30 or $40. -
Your eyes receive a complete exam, including dilation of
the pupils once a year to check for vision, disease to the
retina, glaucoma, cataract development, and other
conditions that can be corrected if caught early. This
can range from $65 to $120. -
Your teeth receive a complete dental exam, x-rays and
cleaning including polishing every year for $80-$150 -
And Your body receives a complete physical exam which
may also include a pap smear, prostate exam, or
mammogram every year for $30-$35 copay with
It is just as vitally important that your pet receive this same type
of routine maintenance and care. Pets age an average of 7
years for each year that you own them. TWICE A YEAR Exams
are recommended to keep your pet healthy and to catch and
correct problems early. That is 1 exam for every 3.5 years that
your pet ages. For less than the price of an oil change or
copay on a doctor's visit your pet will have his or her Eyes,
Ears, Teeth, Mouth, Lips, Nose, Heart, Lungs, Lymph Nodes,
Trachea, Abdomen (including palpation of intestine, liver, and
kidneys), Prostate/Mammary glands, Joints, and Skin checked!